博客來精選推薦Death by Stupidity- 1001 of the Most Astonishingly Bizarre Ways to Bite the Dust
Death by Stupidity- 1001 of the Most Astonishingly Bizarre Ways to Bite the Dust
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Death by Stupidity- 1001 of the Most Astonishingly Bizarre Ways to Bite the Dust
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A collection of cautionary tales about the undignified ways you can kick the bucket - and they’re all true. It includes stories of: the vegetarian who was killed with a frozen leg of lamb, the cyclist who swallowed his own dentures and the burglar who fell head-first into a toilet and drowned.
- 作者: Southwell, David/ Adams, Matt
- 原文出版社:Prion Books
- 出版日期:2018/05/01
- 語言:英文
Death by Stupidity- 1001 of the Most Astonishingly Bizarre Ways to Bite the Dust